Istanbul – an impression: Galata bridge & fish market

Asia, Europe, food


fishermen trying their luck at the Golden Horn



Fishermen smoking, fishing rods slightly bouncing up and down, boats passing by. Fish being thrown into the water, fish being put into little containers, a vendor selling souvenirs to tourists. Mussels being drizzled with lemon juice, fish snapping for air, men making busy phonecalls and making wild gestures to no one in particular. People pushing each other through the crowd, foreigners snapping photos, clouds floating across the sky. Family portraits, restaurant business, locals smiling into the camera, waiters waiting, waving and begging you to come in. Fish catching fish, fish piled high in styrofoam baskets. Fish hooks piercing through cheeks and flesh. Cooks disappearing behind uprising fumes and the smell of deepfried fish, examination, negotiation, happy exchange of money and goods. Seagulls snacking on leftover fish, a mosque in the background, ferries loading up on people. Small plastic cups, fishy water, a shrimp sandwich.







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