Dadaocheng (大稻埕) and Dihua Street (迪化街) – a walking tour of Taipei

Asia, street, urban

The history of Dadaocheng Area and the prosperous Dihua Street is deeply intertwined with all of the ruling Nations Taiwan ever had. The government tries hard to preserve the area and reviving old crafts like basket making, tea processing, the trade of dried goods and medicinal ingredients. Small museums also highlight important aspects of life in the area.

Taipei Art in one form or another


The smaller galleries of Taipei were a hit or miss, a lot of the recommended places were closed or nowhere to be found, but still we managed to snag up a few gems along the way. Another artistic spot is Treasure Hill, a small settlement founded by Kuomintang veterans now turned into an artivist compound. Then of course, there are much more organized exhibitions of art such as the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.