A legal graffiti wall hidden under a bridge, behind a high school. Passing by groups of highschoolers in ill-fitted uniforms going for lunch break. Pieces of art and expressions. Treated step-motherly, partially blocked by piles of stuff. Some faded, some shining bright in screaming colors. A silver piece of fabric. Orange clothes-hanger.
Up in Kowloon. A creative hub. Creative young people of Hong Kong and other regions. Cameras, video recorders, wall posters, media. Libeskind environment. Agreeable weather in a mild winter. Golden grains waving to Kowloon from a white balcony, bowing to the breeze.
Central, Hong Kong. Best spot to visit all the small galleries evenly distributed, dotted amongst ridiculously high buildings and businesses. Pedder Building provides rooms for several showrooms, portier included. PearlLam. Gagosian. Hanartz. White Cube. Easy to step in and out, small isles of peacefulness. Quiet, thoughtful.
January 19th – January 25th 2017